Hi all!! Hope everyone likes my cute halloween costume--Don't worry I have 3 more that we will put pictures up of. Things are good. I officially have 2 teeth, and I know eat cereal--well I've only had it twice, but from now on I will get it every day. A lot of it just falls out of my mouth and onto my lap, but that's okay, I'm still learning. We had so much fun at the pumpkin patch. We went with Uncle Jeff, Auntie Lynn and Matt. Matt got to pick out his own pumpkin and then he smashed it on the driveway when we got home, next year I'll get to do that too. Maybe Matt and I can smash a bigger pumpkin together next year :) Next week I have my 6 month shots. Can you believe I am 6 months old? Me neither. Mom or Dad either, it seems like I've been a part of their lives forever, but at the same time it feels like just yesterday I was born. Times flys when you are in a sleep deprived bliss :) Hope you enjoy the pictures.