I was baptised at Peace Lutheran Church on Sunday August 17. It was quite the event and was such a good boy, I didn't cry or anything. I smiled and worked the crowd. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful service. All my family was there and I even got to meet my Uncle Mike for the first time from Arizona, I really like him. After the service we went home and had brunch. It was a wonderful day. My godparents, Cindy and Chuck were so good to me. Cindy made my outfit out of linen and silk, and my blanket, she even embroidered my name on it. The day before we went to Hugo to celebrate Matt's 2nd birthday, I can't wait until I am big enough to play with toys. I tried sitting in Matt's powerwheels, but I am a little small. This weekend I met another baby, Paige, she is about 6 weeks younger than me. But boy is she cute. Daddy works with her Dad, and they all came for a BBQ on Sat, her sister Julia, she's 2, is so much fun, she loved daddy's fountain. Today I am just hanging out at home, catching up on some sleep from such a busy two weeks. Later we are going to go for a walk since it is such a beautiful day, not hot at all.